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Viktor Orbán Do not let the Left mess up Europe
#ViktorOrban surprised by #President Ursula #vonderleyen at #EuropeanParliament
Are you so afraid of democracy, Mr Orbán? #Hungary #Orban #viktororban
Viktor Orban defends #Hungary’s position and #Hungarians! #eudebates #orban #vonderleyen
What is not accepted at European Parliament? #eudebates #orban #vonderleyen
Mr Orbán, that is what you're doing! #Hungary #Orban #viktororban
Would they ever blame the Hungarians for the Soviet invasion of 1956? Who? #Orban #eudebates #Russia
Please suspend the Hungarian Presidency of the EU Council to take away Orbán’s veto!
Mr Orban, you've turned Hungary into a banana republic! #Hungary #Orban #viktororban
Who blames the Hungarians or the Czechs and Slovaks for the Soviet repression of 1968? #vonderleyen
Council must keep EU funding frozen for Orban and cancel the Hungarian presidency
Orbán is utterly disloyal towards NATO, the EU and the European values